It doesn't seem like it now, but the damp and cold will be here before we know it-- so you better make sure you're well equipped with delicious and hearty vegetables for soups, stews, and other rainy comforts!
Our fall veggie box program runs for 8 weeks from October 7th to November 25th. The total cost is $160 (plus $15 for a bin deposit if you require a bin to take produce home). You get $20 worth of veggies every week. You come pick-up the veggies Tuesdays between 4 and 6 pm at LUSH Valley (1126 Piercy Street).
Things you can expect are potatoes, winter squash, leeks, beets, celeriac, parsnips, brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, parsley, and lots more.
Hesitant because you're not much of a cook? Not sure if you can eat that much food? We provide recipes (both easy and fancy) for eating and preserving the veggies, as many of them will store well into the winter.
Email us if you're interested, or have further questions or concerns.
May you squeeze every last drop out of summer fun, and embrace the beauty of autumn,
Kelsey and the Birds and the Beans.
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